For example: - Samantha, lay your T-shirt on the bed, and Ill iron it later. The phrasal verb lay for and the nautical use of lay, as in lay at anchor, though intransitive, are standard. Laid is the past tense of the word 'lay.' Lay (verb) describes putting something down. There are a few exceptions to these rules.I was lying (not laying) in bed when he called. The rubbish had lain (not laid) there a week. When I lay (not laid) down, I fell asleep. Lie and its principal parts ( lay, lain, lying) are correctly used in the following examples: She often lies (not lays) down after lunch. you would lay something on the bed, but you would like on the bed unless you are using the past tense. Lie is an intransitive verb and cannot take an object. English (US) lay down on the bed is terrible English. Lay and its principal parts ( laid, laying) are correctly used in the following examples: He laid (not lay) the newspaper on the table. Lay is a transitive verb and takes a direct object. By traditional usage prescription, these words should be kept distinct according to the following rules.Third, lay down, as in She lay down on the sofa sounds the same as laid down, as in I laid down the law to the kids. Lie (past tense lied) means to say something untrue. I lay on the floor last week and you didn’t say anything. Wait, what The past tense of lie is actually lay. Don’t lie on the floor The past tense of lie is lay and the past participle is lain. So, in your first sentence, 'she walked in' is one event that happened, and 'he was lying on the bed' means that the walking-in happened during the lying. So, in reference to a bed, you wouldn’t lay in it, more like lay something on it. Second, lay was once used with a reflexive pronoun to mean "lie" and survives in the familiar line from the child's prayer Now I lay me down to sleep lay me down is easily shortened to lay down. You use the past progressive when you want to describe an event in the past that took place during another event in the past. For example, the past tense of lay is laid, yet the past tense of lie, meaning to be in a horizontal position. Transitive Lay: Second-person: You lay your book down next to you on the bed Third-person: She lays her books next to her on her bed. One is the base form of the verb lay, and the other is the past tense of lie. Third-person: He gets into bed and lies down. Usage Note: Lay ("to put, place, or prepare") and lie ("to recline or be situated") have been confused for centuries evidence exists that lay has been used to mean "lie" since the 1300s.